

You can use several different writing techniques to make your writing more engaging and exciting and keep your audience reading until the end of your piece. The list below includes just a few literary and narrative writing techniques you can try the next time you’re writing and you want to try something new:

  • Alliteration and assonance
  • Hyperbole
  • Metaphors
  • Similes
  • Personification
  • Foreshadowing
Alliteration and assonance

Go places when you dream

Examples of writing

Foreign Language

Sitting at my desk, clicking away on my laptop, I pause, look out the window, appreciating the beauty of the rain sifting through the trees, standing tall into the wind and the look of silver drops falling down to Mother Earth, soaking into the ground.

I ponder if the world really understands about languages that people speak and relate to?

Do we always comprehend that there is a Jesus Language interwoven between the chatter and talk? Conversations are relayed with each other every minute of the day, across the borders of our country, stretching over continents.

So many words said with so many different meanings. Do we really listen to what lies behind all that is said?

Maybe we do, maybe we don’t.

The definition of a format is an arrangement or plan for something written, printed or recorded.

An example of format is how text and images are arranged on a website.

 The style in writing can be defined as the way a writer writes. 

 It is the technique that an individual author uses in his writing. 

 It varies from author to author, and depends upon one’s syntax, word choice, and tone.

 It can also be described as a “voice” that readers listen to when they read the work of a writer.

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